My main specialist subject is Book Art; I am a very practical person and thoroughly enjoy making 3D objects useing a variety of materials including Perspex, Copper, Paper, Card and Fabric I also occasionally use Plaster, Clay and Wax. I use various techniques which mainly includes etching and shaping copper, using lazertran and using the lazercutter I have also used casting and intend to use this technique more in the future. I have worked with a few different themes within my work but my favourite has to be looking into historical events. My aim is to create books that are more like objects rather than the typical text filled instrument. I intend to further my skills in Book Art for my final major project.
Below are some examples of my work:
Day City Book Card, paper, ribbon

City Book Etched Piece. Copper etched then oxidized.
‘Untitled’ Perspex Book based on the Nazi Camp System used during WW2