
Jess Hone

Blog Statement. Jessica Hone


My specialist area varies between sculpture and body adornment to jewellery. I consider myself a “maker” and thoroughly enjoy experimenting with a wide range of materials, anything that I can get my hands on and can be manipulated in a range of different ways. Throughout my course I have used a huge range of materials ranging from found and recycled objects, resin, plaster, metal and different ceramics. I have particularly enjoyed using ceramics within my work and find it is one of my strongest practice areas.


In my last project I used laser cut leather to make two leather cuffs to evoke restriction and femininity. The main ideas within my work relate around the idea of restriction in body adornment an my last body of work was based on etiquette and manners, working with objects like doilies and cutlery and looking at how social aspects restrict people in everyday life. I intend to carry these ideas on throughout my Final major project. I have recently been looking at patterns created by nature for example types of corals and mushroom and am currently looking at ways of reproducing these organic forms.


I feel that some of the ideas behind my work relate to Jessica Falcus and also Elise Goldins work as they also work with body adornment and restriction although the outcomes and materials used are quite different.


Artists using similar ideas and concepts within their work:



Velvet Da Vinci is a fantastic website very useful for those working with jewellery and body adornment. It is full of artists like Enric Majoral seen here who used ceramics and sand to create beautiful coral-like pieces.


http://blog.metmuseum.org/blogmode/2008/02/05/78/junya-watanabe/ -Junya Watanabe is a fashion designer that uses synthetic and technologically advanced textiles to create his innovative clothing. I particularly like his ruff dress and the use the honeycomb texture.